“Common sense without education, is better than education without common sense.”

—Benjamin Franklin

We instill common sense in every aspect of our educational approach. In addition to teaching elementary students our signature curricula of Common Sense History and Common Sense Science, we foster a common sense approach to a happy childhood that allows kids to:

  • immerse themselves in the outdoors, animals, and nature to encourage their sense of wonder with the world and natural biophilia

  • educate and coach kids about healthy, natural eating and optimal sleep habits so that their mental acuity remains untarnished

  • ensure every child receives proper unstructured play time and physical activity so that kids can be kids and have a sound creative development

What constitutes common sense varies family to family, and we will adapt our curriculum to your child’s unique needs and family situation so that they have the foundation of common sense upon which they can build a happy, fulfilling, and successful life.